Well dear reader, for all of you who have travelled along thru this series of blogs, we have now reached the end of the writing part so it’s time to transition from thought and word into action and deed. If you’re just now joining us, well, you’re catching the epilogue, but if this post seems sufficiently enticing, then you can go to the first blog (Feb 14th) and read through to now to get the thrilling and thought-provoking details. Therefore,…..
Want to be your best? Then, it’s time to give it up for the LORD! As a Southerner, it is quite distasteful and bad form really, to quote a Yankee General, but the specific terms U.S. Grant offered to Confederates at Fort Donelson during the Civil War War of Northern Aggression perfectly applies to our spiritual life—unconditional surrender. Our current President may have wrote a book on the Art of the Deal, but this is the greatest deal ever, although…..